Tips For Updating Employee Handbooks

Employers should take the time to update their handbooks on an annual basis and make sure they’re still legally compliant. HR Advisors, Inc. is ready to help you update your handbook so it's compliant with federal, state, and local laws.

Regularly review your handbook

Employment laws, both at the state and local level, change frequently. Additionally, Covid-19 has permanently impacted many policies, like remote-work or telework policies. Regular review of your employee handbook is essential in order to stay compliant with the rapidly changing work industry.

Make sure policies accurately reflect real life and are easy to understand

Your handbook should not only accurately reflect the policies and procedures of your business(es) but should be easy to understand by your employees. Legal jargon can be confusing to many so try to include simple and easy-to-read language or additional resources that break down the policies.

Be able to demonstrate the employee received the handbook

Employers should be able to show that a handbook has been provided or made accessible to an employee. It is also a smart idea to keep a signed and dated written record of the employee’s receipt of the handbook and any other documents. Some states also require an acknowledgement of certain policies.

Train management on handbook policies

You’ll want to ensure your management team is informed and trained on all the handbook policies and procedures in your handbook. It is important to have consistent application and enforcement of the policies and that disputes and other situations are handled correctly.  


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